Why Excellent Quotient: Part II - Educate
Hopeful you took a look at the first installment of our series, Explore – getting to your brand values and core offering. #2 in the series is Educate – communicating the proof of your concept…
Truly efficient and effective marketing
must be Excellent at every customer touch-point.
In this 5-part series, we explain what it is to #BeExcellent and how we help small and growing business optimize their Excellence Quotient – to attract (and keep) their ideal clients for long-term success.
Find Your Excellence -- It is imperative to evaluate, strategize, and implement practices that optimize excellence at each stage:
· Explore your Brand Values and core offering
· Educate the market on your Unique Position, Competitive Difference
· Engage the customer using the right tactic in the right media at the right time
· Execute the sale with outstanding customer service and delivery
· Evolve based on customer needs and the shifting market
Educate the market on your Unique Position & Competitive Difference
Translate and communicate Brand-level Messaging maintaining the Brand’s attributes, values, and voice:
Unique, unassailable Position – what does it mean to each of your targets?
Competitive Advantage – measure your position vs. the competitions by segment
Core Messages and support -- what are the proof points/by segment/by competitor
Differentiate through corporate, company, sales, and marketing strategies/tactics. Re-visit and adjust all of the company’s objectives, strategies, and tactics based on Brand Values and Core Messaging.
The Tools
Target Segmentation and definition
Naming and naming conventions
Service Concepts
The Discipline
Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Sales Plans
Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics
Communication of your succinct Brand Strategy should cascade through your organization from executives to teams and support staff – this can be a pitfall.
Often important decisions are made and not well understood down ranks – yet those are the very people that wind up touching your customer most!
The Results
Brand Identity, logos, descriptors
Corporate language changes/inclusions
Industry: Press Releases, Blogs, Articles
Customer Communications: Direct Response, Email Marketing, etc.
Prospecting/Community: Advertising, Social Media, Promotions, Incentives
Business practice/service changes/inclusions
Every touch your audiences has with you
Well-educated, well-armed inspired employees:
Corporate Communications
Annual Report, training/HR documents, boilerplate for PR, partners, agencies
Market-facing communications
website, media/social “about” sections and profiles
Collateral and Promotions
Selling & Distribution
Sales presentations/resources, channel tools, customer service/point-of-sale
Customer-facing communications: press, advertising, direct mktg, social media
Depending on the type and size of your business there may be more or less to the list above -- but this is a place to start your checklist.
Look for our next installment: ENGAGE
See these theories in practice at www.BrandedByEQ.com/OurWork